Congrats CJ and Shelly for Best in Show + 1st Place!!

A couple of weeks ago CJ Jolly emailed me and I immediately asked if I could share the exciting news with y’all, because I love celebrating wins! She said yes, and so here’s the story…

CJ had made a beautiful River Pond quilt with us for the River Pond QAL in the beginning of 2020.


CJ’s finished quilt top


CJ shared with me,

“Shelly (Quilt Stitching by Shelly, LLC) who quilted [the quilt] is a member of The Mississippi Valley Quilt Guild (you have to be a member to enter the show) and when she quilted it she was so excited. Her work is awesome. Once she gave it back to me… she asked then to let her enter it in the show… of course I said yes so I had to take it home and hand stitch the binding neatly (NOT my fav task… I usually machine sew. )”

Then Shelly entered it into The Mississippi Valley Quilt Show/2022 (Great River Quilt show (NACQJ judged show)) and it “WON!!! Best of Show!!!! Won 1st place in Modern quilts.


“Next month it will be hanging, along with the other ribbon/winning quilts in The Figge Museum (”

You can check Shelly’s gallery… #18 and what she said of the quilt:  Photo llGaery – Quilt Stitching by Shelly, LLC


Best in Show!
AND 1st Place in Modern Quilts!

I think it’s easy to see why it won!! This quilt and the quilting are BEAUTIFUL!!!! Super Congrats CJ and Shelly!!! and thanks for sharing your story with us!! 

Please share some love with CJ and Shelly in the comments for their awesome work! It’s well deserved!

I also won a 1st place blue ribbon for the River Pond quilt at the North Star Quilters Quilting on the Red show in Grand Forks, ND in 2017. If you’re looking for a pattern to enter into a show, it’s a fun and versatile pattern to use!

I know in the past more of you have shared your award winning quilts that you have made using one of my patterns. I’d love to spotlight them too if you don’t mind sharing with me again! You can email me (fromblankpages @ gmail {dot} com) with pictures and any story to go with it!

Or share in the Facebook group and I’ll grab it from there and share in my newsletter and on my blog!


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